Monthly Update 1
So What's been going on?
Well long story short: Time. Creating a new distro; whether from scratch or based upon an already mature ecosystem is; well Hard. It is definitely not as easy as we had initially thought and has its own challenges, especially when you're highly dependant on other projects. We have had quite a lot of setbacks in the past two months, we expected (or should I say Wanted) to have working images or atleast screenshots of Ariel in action. These setbacks were mostly because because of a betrayal (more on this later) and because some packages that we needed were broken in the newest daily builds of Ubuntu 16.04 itself.
Whats happening now.
Well, A Lot has been happening. Just to scratch the surface the two icon themes that we'll be using, Pinbadge and Cocoa are going along very, very nicely. We are also working on our gnome based DE 'Ariel' and are waiting for the amazing elementary's gala-wm to stabilize a little bit.
Whats ahead.
A very difficult, long road ahead until our v1 release. We still don't have a good GTK+ theme, which is a major setback, we need to start working on our own apps and start to rely less on other mainstream projects. We have a long list of TO-DO's and we don't want to ignore any one of them.